Mohd Shoaib Rayeen
Software Engineer
This is Mohd Shoaib Rayeen. I am a Software Engineer. I work on Backend Architecture, and I got opportunities to work on Frontend Architecture, System Designing, Automation Testing, and Site Reliability Engineering.
Feel Free to Contribute in Programmers Community managed by Me!
- Sirion — Senior Software Engineer
- 30th August 2021 - Present
- Working with Auto Extraction Team to fetch and process information from a document
- Integration of Alert Frameworks for Exceptions and Dynamic Logger to AE Services
- Enhancement of Bulk Processing and Implement Generic Features using Java17, Spring Boot, PostgreSQL, Message Queue, and Redis
- Integration, Design, and Development of Email into existing features and Development of Excel Download using Spring Boot, Java17, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL
- Enhancement and Integration of Elastic Search into Listing to Provide a better user experience using Spring Boot, Go Lang Java17, Elastic Search, and MongoDB
- Development of New Features, Async Flow for Heavy Processing Features, and Refactoring of existing Features to reduce Production/Development bugs
- Monitoring of Sandbox, Prod, and QA Environments for Auto Extraction Feature
- Integrating external extraction with Sirion extraction
- 30th August 2021 - Present
- Airtel Africa — Software Engineer
- 20th August 2020 - 27th August 2021
- Worked on Spring Boot, PostgreSQL, Angular 9, Rest Assured, Karate, Java 8, and Java 11
- Worked on Payment System, Exchange Management System, and API Automation microservices
- Designed and Developed Foreign Exchange Management System using Spring Boot, Java, Redis, and PostgreSQL for 13 Operating Countries in North Africa
- Integrated User Profile Management System into the Payment Flow to provide payment history and Developed APIs for Forex Payment Transactions using Sprint Boot, Java, and PostgreSQL
- Developed Dashboard for Latest Transaction and Transaction between countries using Angular and Node.js
- Developed API Automation Micro-service to generate a report using Karate for All Micro-services
- 20th August 2020 - 27th August 2021
- Housing.com — Software Engineer Intern
- 6th January 2020 - 3rd July 2020
- Redesigned and Developed FAQ Micro-service based on Property Listings and SEO requirements using Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, and Redis
- Worked with Platform Growth Team to perform SEO-related tasks
- Developed New APIs to fetch Coordinates from Elastic Search, Django, Ruby On Rails, and PostgreSQL for SEO, and Reduced Production/Development Bugs for the Team.
- 6th January 2020 - 3rd July 2020
- Department of Computer Science, University of Delhi — Master of Computer Applications
- July 2017 - June 2020 - First Division - 83.93%
- Hansraj College, University of Delhi — B.Sc. (H.) Computer Science
- July 2014 - June 2017 - First Division - 88.41%
- Bulk Processor — Spring Boot, PostgreSQL, Pulsar
- Context Initialization of Service Restart to avoid any Failure and Retry
- Add Feature in Enum, Topic into Pulsar, Email Template into DB, Excel Download API and Feature Implementation to Integrate any features for Bulk processing
- ESB, Airtel Africa — Spring Boot, PostgreSQL, Redis
- Developed Transactional APIs and Non-Transactional APIs in All 13 Operating Countries
- Worked on Production bugs, and UAT bugs in 13 Operating Countries
- Canza, Airtel Africa — Spring Boot, PostgreSQL, Redis, Angular 9, Node.js 12
- Designed and Developed UI for managing Exchange Rate for different countries
- Developed APIs to add, view, update, and delete conversion rate across All Operating Countries
- Housing FAQ Service, Housing.com — Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, Sidekiq, Redis
- Redesigned and Developed FAQ Microservice based on Property Listing
- Profile Management System — Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch, Sidekiq
- Management of Team Hierarchy, CRUD Operations on User
- Exchange Management System - Angular 9, Node.js 12
- UI for managing Exchange Rate for different countries
- API Testing Automation - Java, Karate, Javascript
- Integration of All Micro-service to test APIs of different micro services and generate Reports of Test Execution
- URL Shortener - Spring Boot, Java, MySQL
- Shortening Long URLs and Storing in the table
- Chatbot - Flask, Python, AIML, Javascript, HTML, CSS
- Implemented chatbot with general topics such as Sports, Dictionary, Inventions, etc.
- Accident Prevention — OpenCV, Python
- Detecting A person is sleeping or yawning while driving and alerting accordingly
- Cats or Dogs - Keras, Python
- Detecting that the image has a dog or a cat
- Buffer Cache Simulation - C++
- Simulate Getblk Algorithm that handles the allocation of the buffers to the processes
- Prediction of Heart Disease - R, Shiny
- Prediction of Heart Disease for the given data using KNN Model
- File Transfer Protocol - C
- Implemented FTP application between a server and client(s) using sockets
- Statistical Calculator — R
- Implemented Basic Probability and Statistics Functions
- Website Implementation Using Github Pages - HTML, CSS
- Development of My website using the github pages - https://shoaibrayeen.github.io
- Tic Tac Toe
- Developed an AI game based on Minimax Algorithm
- Rock Paper Scissor
- Developed an Randomized AI game
Skills Summary
- Framework - Spring Boot, Ruby on Rails, Django, Angular 9, Express.js, Flask, Node.js, GoLang
- Testing Framework - Karate, RSpec, Mockito, Rest Assured, JUnit
- Database - PostgreSQL, MySQL, DynamoDB, MongoDB, ElasticSearch
- Programming Language - C, C++, R, Python, Ruby, Java, Javascript, Typescript, Shell Script, LEX and YACC
- Cache - Redis, Aerospike, Amazon S3
- Job Scheduler - Sidekiq
- Voice Assistant - Alexa, Actions on Google
- Tools and Products - Jenkins, Kubernetes, Confluence, JIRA, Git, Bitbucket, Github, SonarQube, Confluence, Lens, Mockoon, Keycloak
- Monitoring - Kibana, RPM, Grafana
- Others - REST API, Agile Development, Microservice Architecture, HTML, CSS, Queue Management
- Soft Skills - Leadership, Event Management, Time Management, Event Organisation, Public Relations
Positions of Responsibility
- Amazon Alexa, Amazon — Alexa Student Influencer
- March 2019 - June 2020
- Chegg — Chegg Subject Expert
- October 2018 - April 2020
- Equinox , Hansraj College — Head Organizer
- April 2016 - March 2017
- Society of General Awareness , Hansraj College — Senior Coordinator
- July 2016 - April 2017
- Haritima , Hansraj College — Senior Coordinator
- July 2016 - April 2017
Voice Skills
Articles by me